Is Labiaplasty, Or Vulval Surgery, Really Worth It?

Do you really need it?
We often see the posts of different cosmetologists who encourage women to avoid unnecessary procedures, but at the same time strongly recommend all women who have given birth to put hyaluronic acid on their labia...
To make things clear, we don’t mind intimate plastic surgery - but only when it’s really needed.
Women who had traumatic childbirth, crooked stitches, and rough scars, can less enjoy sex, for example. But we don't understand the concept of "aesthetic" labiaplasty.
First, the external genitalia can and should be varied. Just like our faces - they are all beautiful and unique! You can’t find absolutely identical faces. It’s just one more manifestation of the biological diversity of organisms.
When a woman says that her vulva is ugly, she most likely means that her vulva does not look like the one shown in porn. You should know that there is a lot of photoshop in porn. Plus, porn actresses often resort to plastics and bleaching. This standard of how the genitals should look is absolutely unrealistic.
Then, any surgical intervention in the genital area can cause a loss of sensitivity and/or pain due to nerve conduction disorders. The vulva has a lot of nerve endings, and one wrong move can deprive you of sexual pleasure.
Speaking of injections, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not approve the use of hyaluronic acid on the genitals. In addition, there is no evidence that the sensitivity of the G spot really becomes higher after an injection.
Our sexual sensations are strongly tied to what is happening in our heads. If a person says that the sensations have become brighter after the surgery, this does not mean that the procedure has helped. Placebo is an amazing phenomenon. The American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists does not consider this procedure safe and/or effective.
So, labiaplasty can lead to a lot of dangerous complications and we strongly encourage you not to do it just because you want your labia to look "beautiful". Your genitals are already beautiful!
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About the author
Charlotte Cambell
Sex and relationship coach who works with people dealing with issues of sexual trauma and sexual disorders.